About me

Hello, and welcome to Home Automation Coach. I’m Jon Busby, the founder and main author on HAC. I’ve created this site to house some of the learnings I’ve found whilst automating my house for over half a decade.

Having spent nearly 2 decades around technology – I have developed a passion for automation – with our goal in the Busby house to never have to use a light switch, or touch a thermostat. This journey has led me to building my own ruby based automation system, eventually setting on the Home Assistant platform.

Our Mission

Our goal at HAC is to provide a library of articles and How-to guides focused on the Home Automation and Home Assistant user, specifically for those in the UK (where I’m based).

Our Editorial Guidelines

All content written on HAC is written and edited by me. This means from time to time it may contain typos, but we take pride in our working tutorials and code. If you ever find an article that you feel is out of date, please drop me a line at [email protected].